Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Maggi Fusion

Eat the Noodle, Live the Noodle’… this ancient Maggi mantra was the tag line for a creative campaign we were brought in to style for  photographer Julian Wolkenstein. All hands on deck saw Janai, Jo & Pete hunting from Cabramatta to ChinaTown for perfect Asian gangster, metallic suits. Pete playing mannequin for most of the pre-pro, Bruce Lee certainly would have been proud. Using our insider seamstress connections, JAS was able to come up with the ideal custom-made gold tracksuit perfect for that authentic early morning tae-chi session down in the Chinese Gardens of Friendship. Make-up and Hair by the wonderful Margo Regan, Noodle wrangling by Pete using hairspray, glue and who knows what else, it was a fun series and awesome group effort from all.